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Friday, December 7, 2007

Random Technology Thoughts

I was at work last week (yea I have a lot of free time there), and I was thinking about how everything has changed technologically. I know I talk about this elderly man who still works in the nursing center a lot, but his situation really displays the point that I am speaking about. My boss and I were talking about simple things like e-mail and Outlook and just how important these tools are for a business. When this elderly gentleman works a shift, he will leave a post-it note when something goes wrong or we need to order something (or anything of that nature). However, he leaves that note just wherever the problem occurred instead of a centralized system like e-mail. I know that's incredible random and quite specific, but it goes shows the old way versus the new way and how much of a difference there is between the two. I tried to apply this to my spiritual life and how hard it can be to change things that you are so used to doing. We can be just so stuck in our ways spiritually, and it may not be wrong, but there might be a better way out there, or maybe it's not better it's just different and that can be hard to adjust to.

1 comment:

Prof. Sorenson said...

Brad, thanks for the reminder that change is hard. For some of us finding a new technology that will allow us to do something in a different way or with a different result is fun. But as you mentioned on the spiritual side of life it is often harder to change our ways, and I can't think of a technology that will enable us to make instant spiritual change.