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Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Technologically Literate

I believe that technology should be used in the classroom. Today's society revolves around the field of technology. The children that are being raised in the world today are submersed within an ocean of technological devices. These kids live and breathe technology. I believe that technology aides learning as well. Kids today understand technology. All the aspects of technology are first nature to kids. That is why I think that technology can aide in their learning. If a young child is having difficulty understanding a new math concept that is being taught from a book, he might be able to better understand when the same concept is presented in an interactive software program.

High school students in today's society have access to a plethora of new technology. They are woken up by an alarm clock that is programed into their cell phone. They proceed to plug in their IPOD into either their computer via USB or in a portable IPOD speaker/sound system. They then might grab their PSP or MP3 player and head out the door for school. After school, while surfing the internet, they will most likely access myspace, facebook, youtube, photobucket, hi5, limewire, itunes, or some other new site that has sprung up over night. While surfing the net, they are mostly likely logged into aim, msn messenger, or some other form of instant messenger where they are able to share any file that a computer can generate.

In the last class that I was in, the technology was fairly basic but it was spread out through the entire classroom. The teacher had their lesson outlined in a powerpoint that they brought to class via a USB jump drive. This also means that, in the classroom there was a computer that was connected to a projector, which in turn projected onto a screen. Most of the students in the classroom used personal laptop computers for taking notes

Under Observable and Best Practices my classroom would fall under Tier 1, because the technology focuses on getting the teacher's job done. For Professional Development Possibilities the classroom I was last in has elements from both Tier 1 and Tier 2, but I would tend to think it would rank closer to Tier 1 because the technology mostly supports learning as opposed to enhancing it. In the Required Conditions category, the classroom I was last in ranked under Tier 2. The school has a computer network and tech support as well as projector and some other elements. Overall, I would rank the classroom I was in between Tiers 1 and 2, but it would probably be closer to Tier 1.

To raise technology's influence from supporting to enhancing, or even to transforms, I would like to see some interactive technology in the classroom. Instead of a simple lecture class with projected information, maybe classes could create research projects that are posted on created class websites, and and semester has an original website. The website might even incorporate video and sound along with text, as opposed to only text.

GLE Social Studies/Geography - Grade 10 -- The part that is really intriguing is "Analyze how the environment and environmental changes affect people: Analyze how technological innovation may both solve environmental problems and create new ones." I would like to see if there is a way that my students could interact via e-mail or IM with students who live in other countries. They could theoretically talk to these students and see how environmental changes such as a natural disaster like Felix affects their lives. They could then as a project create a web page that collects donations or brings awareness to people here in the states and directs them to a place where they can make donations.

GLE Social Studies/History -- Grade 10 -- 2.1 -- this point wants student to research using electronic resources and library ones as well. I think that if students were aware of the happenings of the past, they would better understand the events of today. I think it would be interesting for students to access Legal Databases and read about court cases that have influenced the way in which they are educated (i.e. Brown v. Board of Education). They could then create a blog or website for the rest of the student body informing them of how school became what it is today.

3.3 -- the point wants students to comprehend how technology has "changed people's ideas of the natural world." I think that it would be interesting if students could recreate through video recording and/or video production software how life has adapted with the introductions and integrations of technology. They could create a blog and post the video or you an already existing site such as youtube or googlevideo.

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