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Friday, September 14, 2007

My School's Website

First off, I have not yet been admitted into the program, so therefore I did not have a class or school that I am observing. So instead, I decided to use my old high school's website. First off, I thought that the home page was organized and had decent appeal. The school's name is at the top followed by a bunch of tabs, that correspond to all of the sites sub-pages, and lastly, there is a large picture of an eagle, the mascot, surrounded by the school's colors of royal blue and white. The majority of the tabs, when clicked on, open up there page on the screen already present. This reduced the amount of loading time, and depleted the need of a home button. The rest of the tabs open up adobe spreadsheets, for the staff list and the schedules. This seemed a little bit lazy to me. When the spreadsheets open up, they pop up in a new tab. They are not as colorful or as interactive as the rest of the website. However, there was one aspect of the web page that I thought was very well done. Each faculty members name, when clicked on, opened up an Outlook box. For those that don't know, Outlook is Microsoft's email program. I thought that was very helpful and convenient for parents.

Despite the convenience of the site, there were a couple of things missing. There were no pictures of the school, students, events, or anything really. It would have been nice to see some student involvement on the page too. Such as, a tab for student interest or something posted by the ASB or the newspaper. Everything seemed kind of lazy and easily put together.

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